Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why do I feel like it’s always on me to save the day?

I’ve noticed this trend with me. Maybe it’s because I was never a leader type back in my childhood. Nobody trusted me and nobody believed in me. Now here in FS people do and maybe I feel too much like it’s my obligation to do everything for everyone. To be THAT guy. I kinda stuck in limbo about how I feel about it too. I guess this is #oneaday right?

Thursday, May 6, 2010


So today started out horrible. I woke up after little to no sleep all grumpy like still feeling miserable. Our team had a meeting with Rob Coble the Career Development Industry Outreach Manager. He enlightened us on the resume building process and touched up on networking (a subject I happen to like).

Afterwords I got a text from my roommate notifying me that my electricity had gotten cut. This is a cause of an on going falling out between my two parents. Awesome, right? So on top of all of the crap this week I had that hit me. But things quickly got better as I was given a deadline. I work amazing under pressure so this was a blessing in disguise. I swiftly finished my task for my deadline and instantly felt better.

Soon afterward I met up with someone who I generally enjoy being with. This made me infinitely more happy as I went on to dinner. After dinner I came back and saw this person again just to get another dose of awesome.

Amazingly right after I got a text confirming that all of my issues this past week have been resolved and life can return to normal. It's like all of the weights on my back were suddenly lifted and I could work to my potential again.

Watch out final project, I'm back.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I haven't been feeling so hot these last couple of days. I don't really know if it's from one reason or a multiple but SOMETHING IS causing it. I received some terrible news yesterday and I haven't really felt like working since then. I've been so angry and saddened that I can't really keep focus on this project. I really hope this changes because I WANT to make an amazing game and I WANT to be excited about work but as of right now I'm not. I feel like I'm constantly letting my team down as of late as I haven't really been on task these last couple of assignments. I mean I only have one more task to do but I feel like if life hadn't decided to crap on me I woulda had this done last week. I mean I can't even play the Halo: Reach beta anymore. I need to relax I think. I hope we meet code freeze so I can just get some time to myself.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Blog schedule.

As production picks up and the Halo: Reach beta goes on blogging will go down to a one day a week thing. Sorry :(