Thursday, August 12, 2010


So I have tons to talk about and I apologize for neglecting you my sweet sweet Tumblr and followers. So on the agenda for this post (not in order) is my on-site interview with an awesome game company, the impending release of Scott Pilgrim vs The World, and just general life.
So let me start with life! Life after college has been quite sssslowwwwwwwww. I’ve found myself sleeping in too late and just staring into space for a while. I’ve been trying to busy myself with working on side projects, researching new stuff, and applying to jobs. <-This really hasn’t picked up pace until this week.
My TWITTER life on the other hand is booming. I’ve been meeting quite a load of new people and overall just enjoying the experience that Twitter brings me. It’s been pretty awesome, Scott Pilgrim fans really know how to band together.
LAST WEEK ON THE OTHER HAND: Was pretty awesome, I hung out with people I never really had time to hang out with while in school. It was a nice kinda beginning of summer and end of school week. Earlier in the week I had received news that I was to fly out to a game development studio for an on-site interview and I was just over all ecstatic.
The interview went well I think. I had a few bumps here and there that really threw me off my axis but all in all I think I preformed pretty well. I’m not really at liberty to say what exactly happened there but just know that all of it was pretty awesome and it’d be an honor to work with these guys.
SOOOOO, THAT HAPPENED and then I flew back to FL to hang out at Kai Ting’s house for two days while I played the CRAP out of Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game. I must say, I haven’t been addicted to a game in quite sometime. This game isn’t even revolutionary it’s just such an amazing fan game that I can’t put it down. Co-op mode is probably the most fun though, there is so much replay factor in it when you have three other buddies playing as Sex Bob-omb and Ramona. I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of the series or wants to play a fun beat-em-up with friends.
The Scott Pilgrim Original Score and soundtrack remind me of a simpler time back in the high school days were me and someone I once cared about could just take long walks and forget everything. It really is a pretty strong soundtrack to me and it reminds me of time long gone but just still recently experienced. My life is flashing before me unfortunately. I hope it mellows out soon. I really want to go back to New York and visit all my friends again and just ya know, exist for a bit.
Impending awesome is just around the corner! I can’t believe that FOUR weeks ago I saw the pre-screening of Scott Pilgrim vs The World. Time really flies these days I guess…but yet so slow. I am giddy as a japanese school girl right now thinking about how amazing this movie was and how I get to watch it again! I really can’t wait for tonight. I get to meet up with my friends, have fun, watch and amazing movie, and just for a little…exist without a goal. Just enjoy myself and life. I’ve been applying to jobs a LOT lately and I already swore to myself that I am going to work on Bioshock 3 (now titled Infinite) so I need to break out the Unreal guides and start busting ass on both applying and learning.
It is so TOTALLY ON!